ID | Name |
T1558.001 | Golden Ticket |
T1558.002 | Silver Ticket |
T1558.003 | Kerberoasting |
T1558.004 | AS-REP Roasting |
Adversaries who have the password hash of a target service account (e.g. SharePoint, MSSQL) may forge Kerberos ticket granting service (TGS) tickets, also known as silver tickets. Kerberos TGS tickets are also known as service tickets.[1]
Silver tickets are more limited in scope in than golden tickets in that they only enable adversaries to access a particular resource (e.g. MSSQL) and the system that hosts the resource; however, unlike golden tickets, adversaries with the ability to forge silver tickets are able to create TGS tickets without interacting with the Key Distribution Center (KDC), potentially making detection more difficult.[2]
Password hashes for target services may be obtained using OS Credential Dumping or Kerberoasting.
ID | Name | Description |
S0677 | AADInternals |
AADInternals can be used to forge Kerberos tickets using the password hash of the AZUREADSSOACC account.[3] |
S0363 | Empire |
Empire can leverage its implementation of Mimikatz to obtain and use silver tickets.[4] |
S0002 | Mimikatz |
ID | Mitigation | Description |
M1041 | Encrypt Sensitive Information |
Enable AES Kerberos encryption (or another stronger encryption algorithm), rather than RC4, where possible.[6] |
M1027 | Password Policies |
Ensure strong password length (ideally 25+ characters) and complexity for service accounts and that these passwords periodically expire.[6] Also consider using Group Managed Service Accounts or another third party product such as password vaulting.[6] |
M1026 | Privileged Account Management |
Limit service accounts to minimal required privileges, including membership in privileged groups such as Domain Administrators.[6] |
ID | Data Source | Data Component |
DS0028 | Logon Session | Logon Session Metadata |
Monitor for anomalous Kerberos activity, such as malformed or blank fields in Windows logon/logoff events (Event ID 4624, 4634, 4672).[2]
Monitor for unexpected processes interacting with lsass.exe.[7] Common credential dumpers such as Mimikatz access the LSA Subsystem Service (LSASS) process by opening the process, locating the LSA secrets key, and decrypting the sections in memory where credential details, including Kerberos tickets, are stored.